RUNWAY INCURSION. Pilot deviated from instructions | Cirrus SR-22 | Norwood Airport, Real ATC
09-MAY-2022. A Cirrus SR-22 (SR22), registration N57DB, performing flight from Norwood Memorial Airport, MA (USA) to Hickory Regional Airport, NC (USA) being on apron had troubles with receiving clearance and after that the airplane deviated from ATC instructions and made a runway incursion.
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PART OF TEXT VERSION OF COMMUNICATIONS THAT I'M ABLE TO INCLUDE HERE. Do you want more? Write in comments and I'll give you remaining part of text communications (Read if subtitles in video were fast):
N57DB: Norwood Ground, Cirrus 57DB, is ready to go over here on Boston Executive. IFR to Hickory, HKY and it looks like I've got a pretty significant change to my flight plan.
TOWER: 57DB, you’re up now on Tower’s frequency, just remain this frequency now. I have a full route clearance for ya. It is a long one, so get ready to write and tell me when you’re ready to copy.
N57DB: Okay, I think it has loaded, I've got it loaded into the plane. So maybe, because it’s so long, maybe I’ll just check, make sure that it's as you're defining here.
TOWER: 57DB, you’re cleared to the Hickory Airport via the NORWOOD THREE DEPARTURE to BOSOX, B O S O X, to V1, GRAYM, G R A Y M, T608 to MOGUL, M O G U L, to Norwich, ORW, V16 to Richmond, RIC, V20 to South Boston, SBV, direct destination. Climb via the SID. Departure frequency is 120.6, squawk 1454.
N57DB: Okay, um… That was as exactly as it was loaded into the plane. I don’t know whether you need a full read back on that or not. I guess I would ... The alt… I need to reconfirm, the altitude was 8000, frequency was 120.6 and I need the transponder again, 57DB.
TOWER: N57DB, on departure climb via the SID, maintain 2000, expect 8000 10 minutes after departure, departure frequency is 120.6, squawk 1454. And I do need a read back.
N57DB: Okay, 57DB, just a moment here.
COMMENTS: About 30 seconds later.
N57DB: Okay, 57DB, we’re to BOSOX, airway V1, GRAYM, GRAYM, airway T08, MOGUL, BLATT, MOGUL…
N57DB: Airway V16… RIC ... SALEM, KURTY, YODER... CREAM … let's see here ... and airway V20, SBV and direct to dest…
TOWER: N57DB, could you do me a favor and switch to Ground frequency. You’re adding a bunch of things that I didn’t give you in the routing. So you must have different routing than I have cuz you added things. Switch to Ground frequency.
N57DB: Switch to Ground.
N57DB: Okay, 57DB, is on Ground.
GROUND: 57DB, I need you to write this down and follow along because the read back was different from what I gave you.
N57DB: Alrighty, I'm ready to go now.
GROUND: 57DB, you’re cleared to the Hickory Regional Airport via the NOORWOOD THREE DEPARTURE, BOSOX, V1, GRAYM, T608 to MOGUL, ORW, V16 to Richmond, V20 to South Boston, direct.
N57DB: Alright, let’s try this again. Alright, cleared direct Hickory, the NORWOOD THREE DEPARTURE, BOSOX, airway V1, GRAYM, airway T608, MOGUL, V16 to Richmond… To South Boston and then direct.
GROUND: 57DB, after MOGUL it’s Norwich, ORW then V16 to Richmond, then V20 to South Boston
------- This is maximum I can write here. Do you want more? Write in comments and I'll give you remaining part of text communications -------
THE MAIN VALUE IS EDUCATION. This reconstruction will be useful for actual or future air traffic controllers and pilots, people who plan to connect life with aviation, who like aviation. With help of this video reconstruction you’ll learn how to use radiotelephony rules, Aviation English language and general English language (for people whose native language is not English) in situation in flight, which was shown. THE MAIN REASON I DO THIS IS TO HELP PEOPLE TO UNDERSTAND EVERY EMERGENCY SITUATION, EVERY WORD AND EVERY MOVE OF AIRCRAFT.
Source of communications – (I have a permission (Letter) for commercial use of radio communications from
Map, aerial pictures (License (ODbL) ©OpenStreetMap - Permission for commercial use, royalty-free use.
Radar screen (In new versions of videos) – Made by author.
Text version of communication – Made by Author.
Video editing - Made by author.
1) I monitor media, airspace, looking for any non-standard, emergency and interesting situation.
2) I find communications of ATC unit for the period of time I need.
3) I take only phrases between air traffic controller and selected flight.
4) I find a flight path of selected aircraft.
5) I make an animation (early couple of videos don’t have animation) of flight path and aircraft, where the aircraft goes on his route.
6) When I edit video I put phrases of communications to specific points in video (in tandem with animation).
7) Together with my comments (voice and text) I edit and make a reconstruction of emergency, non-standard and interesting situation in flight.
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